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As I See It

Illinois could benefit from Foxconn without the risk



The states of Wisconsin and Illinois may be neighbors, but not always friendly neighbors. Soon after taking office, Governor Walker ratcheted up the rhetoric when he posted a sign along the border declaring Wisconsin to be open for business. It was a not so subtle jab at our neighbors to the south and what the Governor sees as their poor business climate. But it appears Illinois may be getting the last laugh. If the deal with Foxconn goes through, certainly many Wisconsinites will get jobs there. But so will those from Illinois. The plant is likely to be built in Southeast Wisconsin, just a few miles from the Illinois border. It could be just a ten minute drive for Illinois residents to drive to their new job in Wisconsin. Certainly people in Illinois stand to benefit. And they can do so without assuming any of the risk. Wisconsin taxpayers meanwhile could be on the hook for state subsidies to Foxconn worth $3 billion. A playful editorial in the Chicago Sun Times actually begs Wisconsin to do the deal with Foxconn, calling it “the neighborly thing to do.” They point out that up to half of those 10,000 jobs could go to people living in Illinois, and call the potential deal the best thing that ever happened to Illinois. If this Foxconn deal goes through, Wisconsin may just prove that it is open for business…for the people of Illinois.

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