As I See It
Better Foxconn deal needed for Wisconsin taxpayers
If Foxconn comes to Wisconsin, it could provide a huge boost to the Wisconsin economy. But the word “could” needs to be spelled with a capital C. The deal the Wisconsin Assembly approved calls for taxpayers to shell out an unprecedented $3 billion subsidy, in exchange for the promise of jobs. But there is no promise from Foxconn of a specific number of jobs. They have talked about 10,000, or even 13,000 jobs, but that is hardly a guarantee. But under the current deal, taxpayers could be on the hook either way. The Wisconsin Senate will be the next to take up this huge incentive package, and our senators should work to get a better deal for us. There should be a guarantee about a minimum number of jobs. Because the way the deal is written now, Foxconn could use robots to automate the plant it wants to build, and still receive half of the $3 billion incentive package. That’s because the deal provides Foxconn money for its investment in infrastructure, not just people. That is not good enough, given the risk we are being asked to take. And the Assembly version disregards many environmental requirements, allowing the company to largely ignore environmental concerns when it builds that big plant. Members of the Wisconsin Senate need to get more out of this deal, because Wisconsin taxpayers deserve some guarantees as well.