Local News

Last of La Crosse drug cartel sent to prison, gets a year’s credit for time served in jail



It could be the last of the sentencing hearings for a group of 17 arrested two years ago for taking part in a La Crosse area meth ring.

Adam Vang got a three-and-a-half year prison term for making regular trips to Minneapolis to bring meth back to La Crosse for distribution.

Vang’s actual time in prison could be a year shorter than that, because he gets credit for time spent in jail since his arrest in North Carolina a year ago.

At sentencing, Judge Scott Horne said his has a lack of remorse for his part in the drug ring and his crime was not motivated by drug addiction. But, because Vang did cooperate with police, his sentence is also shorter than those of many other people involved in the drug ring.

Several members of Vang’s family were involved in the drug cartel.

Adam Vang was convicted at a trial in June.


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