As I See It
Ramp rules better, more changes needed
Parking in La Crosse parking ramps has been the subject of much discussion. In the news, in these editorials, and between the barstools. Much of it has not been in the form of compliments. But in the most current reboot of ramp rules, the city has done away with the gates and adopted a smarter pay station system. We will miss the hilarious videos of the drunks thinking they are so clever when they go Steven Segal on the unintimidating and defenseless wooden parking gates. But the city can do better to make the parking system work. And making them profitable. The first three hours of ramp parking remain free. That’s costing thousands in revenue. The ramps still cost more than they bring in. And the pricing system is unnecessarily confusing. So much this time of day for this long, so much another time of day. And why not allow for those who park in the ramp to get their parking receipt validated when they shop at downtown businesses? That would encourage more downtown shopping. The recent changes are a good step. Now, with the city’s newest and biggest ramp about to open, the city should simplify the rules and bring in the revenue we are missing out on today.