Local News
Historic or parking lot? Pischke to appeal designation of 19th-century building

Heritage preservation commission gave building historic designation
An appeal is coming from Pischke Motors on a decision by a La Crosse city committee to mark a building owned by the company as historic.
Pischke planned to tear down the 19th-century structure on south 3rd St. to make way for more parking.
The city’s heritage preservation commission, however, gave the building a historic designation.
It may be ugly, says commission chair, Jessica Olson, but it also might be important.
“This is not a shanty or flashy type of style,” she admitted. “It does have a character that represents a certain era in our city’s history.”
Pischke, in a letter to the city, said the building lacks the architectural value to be given a historical designation. It will appeal to the city council next month.
Olson said the owner’s permission isn’t necessary to declare a building historic.
“Either a building has historic value or it doesn’t,” she said. “That doesn’t have anything to do with whose name is on the deed.”
The building has been vacant for 15 years and, Tim Acklin with the city’s planning office said in August, it isn’t in an ideal location.