Local News
Recall papers have been filed for Onalaska school board member Jake Speed

Speed has 10 days to challenge recall or resign
Paperwork has been filed at the Onalaska School District office for a recall of school board member Jake Speed.
A movement that began as a website needed 1,743 signatures to start the process. It received more than 2,300.
Speed has had a bumpy tenure as board member with frequent outbursts at other board members and skipping meetings.
“Everything is in Jake’s hands,” Justin Steele, organizer of the recall movement, said. “Ultimately, I think the best thing that could happen for everyone is if he would just resign.”
Speed was elected to the Onalaska school board last year, after he challenged opponents’ nominating papers, which left Speed as the only candidate on the ballot.
He was censured by the board earlier this year for repeated criticism of other board members and district staffers.
Getting over the required 1,743 signatures was important for the recall effort.
“Just knowing how Jake challenged other things, we realized we definitely wanted that margin, in case anything got knocked off, which is why we aimed for 2,000 signatures,” Steele said, adding to shut down the recall effort, Speed would have to prove 1 in 4 signatures weren’t legitimate.
Speed has 10 days to fight the recall or resign. Former board member Deana Verdon said she would run against Speed.