Local News
Committee approves rezoning for Coulee Council on Addictions
Vote moves to city council on Oct. 13
Now, it’s just one step away from final approval.
A rezoning plan to help the Coulee Council on Addictions build a new center near Lincoln Middle School was endorsed by the city’s judiciary committee on Tuesday evening.
There were only two dissenting votes from committee members — one of them coming from Jacqueline Marcou. She’s bothered because the city has invited families to move to the Washburn neighborhood, promoting it as a residential area.
“When we ask these folks to come and take a gamble on a neighborhood and we turn around and rezone something that has more potential for this particular area,” Marcou said at the meeting.
Around 25 people attending the meeting. Most of the arguments for and against the rezoning have been spoken already.
There were few new comments for the committee, though Shelly Staehly, whose family is building a house near the proposed Coulee Council site, says the location of that building would go against the city’s promise of revitalizing the neighborhood.
“The placement of this new facility would leave the neighborhood with more disappointment than anything,” Staehly said. “Disappointment and a vision that was promised to us by so many and possibly taken back.
“It is so obvious that there is such potential for more residential growth in this neighborhood. This is exactly why we chose the lot we did, because of its surroundings.”
The rezoning of Ferry Street property goes to the full city council on October 12. Ten of the 13 council members have to support the change for it to happen.