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Houston Co. Rep. Party chair says Franken should resign over sexual assault scandal



Senator has apologized and said he welcomes an ethics investigation 

He says Minnesota Sen. Al Franken should resign.

Houston County Republican Party chair Jason Reiland is disgusted with the recent revelations of sexual assaults by Franken before he was elected to the Senate.

“I’m appalled  by it,” Reiland said. “It’s unethical. Immoral. It’s morally wrong.

“I think it would be in everybody’s best interest, on either side, that he resign his position.”

There’s plenty of condemnation following Los Angeles radio news anchor Leeann Tweeden saying Franken kissed her without consent and groped her while she was sleeping on a plane in 2006, during a USO tour.

“It doesn’t matter whose side, if they’re a Dem. or Republican,” Reiland said. “It doesn’t matter in any case, in any scenario that this is OK.”

Franken says he’s disgusted with himself, apologized and says he welcomes an ethics investigation.

Tweeden said she said nothing about Franken for years out of fear of retribution.

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1 Comment

  1. Jason Reiland

    November 18, 2017 at 3:09 am

    A sleeping woman can never give consent to being sexually touched or propositioned.

    Sexual harassment and assault is never funny and never acceptable. When a woman says no, she means no. It is important for individuals to take a strong stand against such conduct and demand that those that represent them in elected office #DoBetter.

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