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As I See It

Lawmakers shouldn’t need sexual assault training



The list of people facing allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault seems to grow every day. The latest, Minnesota U.S. Senator Al Franken, who is accused of groping a woman 11 years ago. There is even photographic evidence. We have heard similar stories charging people in powerful positions with illicit behavior. It started with the allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and now the floodgates have opened. It is sad that such stories are suddenly so prevalant, but good that women who have been victimized feel the power to come forward and confront the accused. Now the Wisconsin Legislature wants to take steps to ensure this bad behavior does not happen among members of their ranks. Bot the Wisconsin Assembly and Senate have policies against such behavior, but in light of what is happening on a national scale, wants to add new training for lawmakers. Is that really necessary? Shouldn’t these people whose salaries we pay know what constitutes bad behavior? Do we have to spell it out for them? We’re talking about adults, not incoming college freshmen. Under the legislature’s current policy, sexual harassment can include leering, touching, pinching or brushing against another person’s body, commentary about a person’s body, sexual prowess and unwelcome sexual advances. The only thing lawmakers should need to know is don’t do it. Any of it. Keep your hands to yourself. Don’t be a perv. If our lawmakers don’t know that already, then perhaps they don’t belong in elected office.

Scott Robert Shaw served as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivered the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott had been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and retired in 2024

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