Local News
Abuse of boy allegedly took place for years by Holmen schools staffer

Seven criminal charges, including repeated sexual assaults to a child, are now filed against a Holmen High School staffer.
Prosecutors said Timothy Schilling raped the boy, beat him and urinated on him, as part of abuse that began when the child was 6 years old. That abuse lasted for several years. It included hitting him with a belt and slapping his genitals with a fly swatter, according to the complaint which was filed Wednesday.
The 47-year-old Schilling pleaded not guilty to the seven charges Wednesday. He was put on unpaid leave from the Holmen schools after his arrest last week. He worked security at the school.
According to the complaint, the child, identified as a relative of Schilling’s, told police about how he was repeatedly raped. Schilling also wrung the boy’s soiled underwear over his head, when he wet his pants.
Schilling was arrested Nov. 27 and bonded out of jail days later.