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Over 1,000 La Crosse area eighth graders head to college

Some college students don’t know what they wanna be until years into school.
In the La Crosse area, schools were getting that outlook started early. Over 1,000 eighth graders from 11 school districts in the area took a field trip yesterday to Western Technical College.
It was the annual career day, where students get to hear from those in different lines of work, and find out the types of courses they’ll want to take in high school to enter those fields.
Students had a lot of options to think about.
“Some of the more popular ones were animals, healthcare,” Western Tech K-12 relations specialist Tyler Ludeking said. “But we also offered construction, architecture, graphic design. I think we had over 60 speakers.”
Students had a grasp on the general concept of each field. But, as they got a more in depth look, they could see the diversity.
“You know a student going in might say ‘I’m interested in being a doctor,'” Ludeking said. “But, by listening to some of these other diverse, health care fields, it really gives them a better idea, (that) you don’t have to be just a doctor for the health area.”
And, as students saw their options expand, it gives them a better perspective as they head into high school and think about where they want to go from there.
“What that does for an eighth grader, that gives them an opportunity to really understanding what they should be looking for in classes when they get to the high school level,” Ludeking said.
Ludeking said many students don’t know the possibilities that are out there, which limits their opportunities to succeed.