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Wisconsin AG appears to favor La Crosse County’s approach to opioid fight
It’s one thing to sue drug companies. It’s something else entirely to win.
That’s essentially the message from Wisconsin attorney general Brad Schimel, this week, during an interview on fighting big pharma over the nation’s growing opioid painkiller crisis.
Schimel said his office, in conjunction with attorneys general throughout the U.S., will be way more effective than a lawsuit in investigating drug companies on whether they’re responsible for what some have called an epidemic.
Schimel was responding to questioning on the federal lawsuit that about 50 counties in Wisconsin have joined to try and hold big pharma responsible for the opioid drug impacts.
La Crosse County appears to be leaning against joining that federal suit.
That lack of action looks to be right in line with what Schimel would do. He said it’s much more effective for his office to join with other states in going after drug companies.
As an attorney general, Schimel said he has way more authority to investigate companies that many are blaming for the explosion of opioid use in the nation.
Wisconsin and 40 other states are currently investigating drug companies over opioids.