Local News

Coulee Council board member, after battling alcoholism, ready to help others



He’s been there, trying to get over addiction and hopes to help other people through substance abuse.

Scott Wehrs serves on the board of the Coulee Council on Addictions, and he’s signing up to be a recovery coach for those whose lives have been hurt by drugs or alcohol.

“They’ve got hearts. They’ve got families,” Wehrs said. “You’ve got to love them and give them hope and bring them back.”

With a recent $70,000 grant, Coulee Council, within the next couple of months, will train recovery coaches in the La Crosse area.

Wehrs sought treatment over 10 years ago for for a drinking problem and sees that as a big factor in being an effective coach.

“When you walk the walk and been through it, you’re going to be able to relate to somebody better and help them by giving them hope, that there’s a different life, a different way to live,” he said.

Anyone who wants to be considered for the recovery coach program can send a resume to the Coulee Council office in La Crosse.

It will offer training sessions during two weekends in March for prospective coaches, like Wehrs. He recalls the process he went through in seeking help for alcoholism.

“I had meetings. I went to a lot of meetings,” he said. “In La Crosse, there’s a good support group already and this is going to add to it.”

The coaches will not offer primary treatment for addictions, but they will be sent to hospitals to meet with people who have been brought in for overdoses or other substance abuses.

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