As I See It

Wisconsin, no longer a leader in environmental protections



Wisconsin has a history of being a leader in environmental protection efforts. These days, that seems like ancient history. More and more it seems we are willing to ignore the laws that keep the state pristine only when it suits us. In recent weeks, we have witnessed a fight over some rare wetlands in Monroe County. A frac-sand mining company wants to dig up 16 acres of protected wetlands. That is the subject of a legal fight, but Madison lawmakers put in a late-night provision to exempt the mining company from any additional permitting requirements. For Foxconn, the state is literally pretending the state’s environmental regulations don’t exist. State legislators exempted the company from all environmental protection laws. Even golf courses are getting a pass. Kohler has won DNR approval to build a course along Lake Michigan in Sheboygan even though the construction will gobble up rare wetlands. Wisconsin used to be known for its environment and efforts to protect it. Remember Aldo Leopold? Gaylord Nelson? That is a proud history, which now seems so long ago.

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