As I See It

Lawmakers threaten to outlaw tailgating



Wisconsin lawmakers really stepped in it this time. In an effort to change state laws that regulate the operation of wineries in the state, lawmakers almost put an end to a long-standing Wisconsin tradition…tailgating. The bill being debated in Madison seeks to extend the hours of operation for Wisconsin wineries. Seems harmless enough. Instead of being open until 9pm, the legislation would have allowed wineries to remain open until midnight. But an amendment added to that bill during a committee hearing threatens to also prohibit the consumption of alcohol on some private property. As written, if you pay to park on someone’s property, say before a Packers game, you would not be allowed to tailgate there unless the owner of the property holds a liquor license. That would be a game changer. Imagine, not being able to hoist some suds before a Packer game. It certainly wouldn’t be the same. Tailgating is a Wisconsin tradition. Wisely, lawmakers are putting the brakes on this proposal now that they have learned an effort to protect wineries threatens our tailgating tradition. Our elected officials would no doubt have a hard time winning re-election if they dared vote to put an end to our long history of tailgating. Cheers to them for realizing the error of their ways.

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