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House speaker Paul Ryan to leave Congress, says decision best for his family



House Speaker Paul Ryan says he is leaving the speakership and retiring from Congress with “no regrets.” He says he has given the job “everything that I have.”

Ryan is explaining his decision to not seek re-election as one that was the best for his family. Ryan says he will serve out his term and retire in January. He says the headwinds facing Republicans in November played no factor in his decision.

Ryan sayid he came into Congress almost two decades ago, before he had any children. Now, all three of his children are teenagers.

Ryan said that if he were to stay for one more term, his children would only know him as a weekend dad and “I can’t let that happen.”

President Donald Trump said Ryan leaves a “legacy of achievement.”

Trump said on Twitter Wednesday: “Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question. We are with you Paul!’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said she hopes House Speaker Paul Ryan will spend his final months in office working with Democrats “constructively” for all Americans.

In a statement on Ryan’s decision to retire, Pelosi doesn’t cite any specific issues she wants to tackle with the Republican she has opposed on nearly every issue.

It’s unlikely that the two sides will compromise on much legislation in an election year.

Pelosi’s brief statement described Ryan as an “avid advocate for his point of view and for the people of his district.” And she commends him for his “steadfast commitment to our country.”

Brad Courtney, Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, in a statement regarding Ryan’s announcement, said, “Wisconsin Republicans are committed to keeping this Congressional seat and I am confident that our eventual nominee will uphold Paul Ryan’s legacy of principled, conservative leadership.”


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