As I See It
Ryan likely tired of herding cats
Perhaps he couldn’t take it anymore. Perhaps he is afraid of losing the House of Representatives to democrats in the November election. Either way, who can blame Paul Ryan for his decision not to seek re-election as a member of Wisconsin’s Congressional delegation. Ryan has confirmed Washington’s worst-kept secret that he would not run in November. Ryan has served in the United States Congress since 1998. He has had a stellar political career, serving as the top Republican in the house since 2015, after serving as Mitt Romney’s running mate in the 2012 elections. Ryan’s rise helped bring political prominence to Wisconsin. But ever since Donald Trump won the presidency, Ryan’s job has gotten much more difficult. He has had to try to be the bridge between President Trump and leaders of his party. It has been the equivalent of herding cats. All while enduring personal insults hurled at him by the President. A thankless and difficult job for certain. In some ways, Ryan seems a throwback in politics. Willing to think for himself, and take on big issues facing this country, even if it meant taking on members of his own party. He was civil, even with those with whom he disagreed. I guess that doesn’t cut it any more in today’s politics.