Local News
April snows delays start for street projects in La Crosse

Some additional snow plowing this spring has La Crosse street crews two weeks behind on construction projects.
That means the city is in a pinch this year to get a longer-than-usual list of projects done.
Streets Superintendent Mike La Fleur said April snows have his crews playing catch up. Already two weeks isn’t good when the city has millions of dollars of additional work to fix some of the city’s more troubled streets.
“Especially with the extended street list we have for this year and the upcoming year,” La Fleur said. “It just, for lack of a better word, it just snowballs.”
Orange cones and barricades will soon replace boulders of wet snow leftover from this week’s late-season snowfall.
LaFleur was the one who issued the 48-hour snow disposal declaration for the city Sunday afternoon — it ends at 3 p.m. today.
He says, while many who park on the street ignored alternate-side parking instructions for the snow emergency, that wasn’t that much out of the ordinary.

William Stack
April 19, 2018 at 8:25 am
“April snows delays start for street projects in La Crosse” Really? I believe your editors meant: ‘April snows delay start for street projects in La Crosse’ OR ‘April snow delays start for street projects in La Crosse’