As I See It
Speaker Vos wined and dined by payday lenders
It is a pretty good gig being a member of the Wisconsin legislature. They draw a handsome salary, they can claim expenses for their meals and lodging, and in Wisconsin they get extended time off. The Wisconsin legislature adjourned in March, and is not scheduled to be in session again until next year. And it turns out, they are treated like royalty when they travel abroad at other’s expense. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos recently returned from a trip to Europe where he was wined and dined by big wigs in the payday lending industry who foot the bill. The Cincinnati Enquirer documents the details of their junket. They stayed in a five-star hotel, they toured the House of Parliment where they dined with members of Parliment, they rode the London Eye, and took a sightseeing tour of London complete with fine champagne. They did all this without having to open their wallet, as the trip was completely funded by a conservative group with ties to the payday lending industry. Perhaps that is why he has worked so hard to help the predatory payday lenders, authoring legislation to roll back regulations on the industry. After all they spent wining and dining the Wisconsin speaker, they no doubt expect something in return.