Local News
Gas is $.30 more than a year ago and will continue to rise
Gas prices are rising and don’t expect them to decrease anytime soon.
“We’re seeing gas prices that are already about 30 cents higher than they were at this time last year,” Nick Jarmusz with the Wisconsin AAA said. “We anticipate that we’re going to continue to see prices push up as the demand increases heading into the summer driving season.”
Jarmusz said that because the economy has improved, the demand has increased.
“More people with money in their budgets to take vacations and leisure trips,” he said.
And, Jarmusz said, because the prices are so high, those people will also have to cut back.
“Most people will simply factor this into their budget,” he said. “They’ll find ways to cut costs by staying at cheaper hotels, hitting fast food rather than sit-down restaurants.”
The price in fuel in La Crosse is right around $2.74.