Local News
Vote on Maid-Rite historic status tonight

Whether an old cafe on La Crosse’s north side gets a historic designation depends on the outcome of a meeting tonight.
The Maid-Rite cafe closed down in 2016.
The city’s Heritage Preservation Commission is scheduled to vote on the nomination for historic status for the old building at 1119 Caledonia Street.
It probably doesn’t hurt owner Joe Van Aelstyn’s case that the building is both old AND iconic.
Aelstyn claims the building is historic, not just for its exterior design and age, but also for its importance as a continually running small commerical enterprise.
Essentially, that makes it relevant culturally, argues Van Aelstyn, who also argues that the simple, so-called “Boomtown” architectural design makes it nearly unique in the city and worthy of the designation.
The building, which is currently under a raze order from the city, housed the Maid-Rite for 68 years. It started out as a shop for builder Peter Walvick in 1881.