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WisCorps summer work program accepting applications for free basic home repairs

Free home repairs, available now.
WisCorps in La Crosse is taking applications for basic home repairs from those who are elderly, low income or have a disability.
Three crews of young people –some of them working their first job — will tackle repairs on over 100 homes this summer for the WisCorps Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program.
It’s a program that has more benefits than you might think, says WisCorps operations director Will Bittner, especially for the kids in the program who get to invest in their own neighborhoods
“It gives them a sense of community,” Bittner said. “It gives the community a sense that this next generation is really committed to helping the community grow, too. So, it’s kind of a win-win for both of them.
“They could end up doing a project right next to their house they grew up in, or one of their neighbors just down the block.”
The repairs are simple ones but can really make a difference, Bittner said.
“There’s a lot of homes in the city of La Crosse that just needs a little bit of work done to them,” he said. “We’re not out saying everyone’s home is bad but everyone could use a little bit of help from time to time, especially the disabled or low income.”
In the past, Bittner says crews have done a lot of landscaping, gardening and painting. They won’t do repairs at rentals. Work begins on home repairs mid-June.
Below is a list of eligible and ineligible projects. Click here for more details.
Projects that a WisCorps crew can complete:
• Repairing fences
• Fixing loose hand railings
• Overgrown landscaping
• Light painting
• Mailboxes
• Pruning trees (no hazards)
• Caulking windows
• Door repair
• Missing or loose siding
• Heavy moving (150 lbs or less)
• Light bulb replacement
• Window washing (1st story)
Projects not approved for WisCorps crews:
• Electrical
• Plumbing
• Roofing
• Anything above 3’ off the ground
• Clean up of animal waste
• Interior cleaning
• Gutter cleaning
• Hazardous waste removal
• Projects on non-owner occupied homes (i.e. rental properties)