As I See It
Walker prioritizing Foxconn over fixing our roads
And the pricetag just keeps going up. Wisconsin taxpayers are already on the hook for $3 billion to build that huge Foxconn plant in Southeastern Wisconsin. The cost went up further when Governor Walker raided the state highway fund to the tune of $90 million more to build roads around the Foxconn plant. That is money that won’t go to fill any potholes in your neighborhood. And now, they’re at it again. Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee have voted to shift another $67 million in state highway funds to pay for Foxconn related roads. Call it the Foxconn Highway. That means less money for roads in La Crosse. And more delays, even for previously planned projects. Our roads are so bad a group called Safe Transportation Over Politics, or STOP, is putting up billboards to highlight the lack of attention Governor Walkerhas given to fixing our roads. The ads poke fun at the Governor, renaming our potholes “Scottholes” in his honor. It is clear Walker is prioritizing helping Foxconn over helping us. But state highway money should be going to all corners of the state, not just the southeast corner.