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Advocates relieved latest farm bill version leaves food stamps intact



While a new farm bill is far from finished in Congress, the latest version has advocates for the poor pleased.

The just-passed Senate ag committee version of the bill doesn’t have any cuts to the nation’s food stamp program — something Republicans in the House pushed for.

From Hunger Solutions Minnesota, Colleen Moriarty is happy the Senate isn’t falling for the common misconceptions about those on food stamps.

“I think the idea that there are people that are committing fraud in the program is one of the things that really stands in the way of some hard working people that just need some help,” she said.

Over 621,000 in Minnesota receive food stamps benefits.

“Seniors who need nutrition assistance or families with young children and need that assistance or people who have served our country and need the assistance — that is who it’s meant for and that is who’s receiving it,” Moriarity said.

Congress has until the end of September to re-authorize a new farm bill, which is when the current version expires.


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