Local News
Wisconsin ‘cocaine mom’ law case dismissed

A woman moving out of state has upended a potential constitutional battle over a Wisconsin law meant to protect the unborn from their mothers.
Wisconsin’s so-called ‘cocaine mom’ law had been challenged by a woman who had tested positive for meth during a visit to a Mayo Clinic in Eau Claire County in 2014.
She was later locked up because she represented a danger to her unborn child due to drug use.
The woman later sued, saying the law violated her rights. A U.S district court judge found the law unconstitutional and ordered an injunction so that it could not be enforced.
The 7th U.S Circuit Court of Appeals has tossed the case, calling it moot because the woman has moved out of state.
State Attorney General Brad Schimel says he’s pleased by the ruling and calls the law, “more important than ever before” because of the state’s current drug abuse crisis.