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As I See It

Welcome to summer!



Welcome to summer. The season officially arrived yesterday with the summer solstice. It wasn’t much of a start to our warmest season, with rain, clouds and cool conditions. But there is something magical about summer. The sun is warmer, the drinks are colder and the music is louder. We can be barefoot, and go swimming and maybe even squeeze in a vacation. When I was young, summer was my favorite of the four seasons. Probably because we got out of school for a couple months. As I’ve gotten older, I find myself more partial to fall being my favorite season. It never seems to last long enough, however, as the cold winds seem to start blowing earlier and earlier. And this year, like a number of recent years, it seems we really didn’t have much of a spring, launching straight from winter to summer with only a few 60 degree days in between. But summer is now here, and here’s to it. I hope the warm sunshine rejuvenates your soul and puts a smile on your face. Enjoy it. Because before we know it, it seems, winter will be back, and we’ll be putting on layer after layer, paying higher energy bills and digging out from all that snow.

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