Local News
With extensive criminal history, Elmore gets probation on cocaine, gun charges
A La Crosse man with a long criminal history is placed on probation in a drug possession case, with the threat of prison if he violates conditions of probation.
Forty-four-year-old Aric Elmore pleaded guilty this summer to charges of possessing cocaine and a firearm.
La Crosse County Judge Elliott Levine has stayed four-year prison terms on each count, and said Elmore can serve a jail sentence on electronic monitoring.
Elmore had been charged with maintaining a drug trafficking place, but that charge was dismissed in a plea agreement.
La Crosse police found heroin, crack, loaded guns, and thousands of dollars in a house on S. 9th St. in 2017, and Elmore was one of four persons charged in the case.
According to court documents, Judge Levine said the stayed sentence carries the threat of prison time if Elmore violates probation, as a message that Elmore should stop his drug activity.