As I See It
SUPCO nominee Kavanaugh doesn’t appear very judicial

Sometimes it is good to press the pause button. The contentious hearing before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, designed to determine whether Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed to the Supreme Court, was one of the more embarrassing moments in U.S. political history. Trying to determine the meaning of scribbles on a yearbook decades ago, much talk of beer, and even flatulence. This is not how nomination hearings are supposed to go. A weeklong FBI investigation designed to determine whether Kavanaugh assaulted a woman in high school will now try to get to the bottom of what actually happened. That will give time for members of the committee to work with more information than just he said, she said. Some wanted an immediate vote on the nomination, but these are the same people who left Merrick Garland twisting in the wind when they wouldn’t even schedule a hearing when he was nominated for the same position. But based on Thursday’s hearing, even if the FBI finds there was no assault, it is not clear that Kavanaugh deserves a lifetime appointment. His temperament was anything but judicial. He seemed overtly partisan, even suggesting the investigation had something to do with the Clintons. Can someone so angry at one political party really be a fair and balanced justice? There is enough partisanship in this country right now. The United States Supreme Court should be free of these types of partisan politics.

Randy J Hubert
October 2, 2018 at 1:24 am
How would your temperament be if an organization was organizing to destroy your whole life and career. He acted like any one would defending ones self. 6 FBI background checks now 7. Why don’t you respond about the 4 people she named that have no recollection of anything happening. As I see it she has been recruited and used by the Democrat party. In general people are sick and tired of these political games with peoples lives. This is worse than the Russian investigation that has shown nothing other than a 20 year old case of a hooker who is looking for fame.