Marijuana referendum questions enjoys high level of support statewide

No question about a marijuana referendum in La Crosse County, or in the state for that matter.
Voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved an advisory referendum on legalizing marijuana for recreation use.
By a wide margin, voters agreed to legalization and regulation with taxes directed towards specific areas like education funding.
La Crosse County was one of a half dozen in the state to weigh in on the legalization of marijuana for recreational use and one of 16 counties and two cities in Wisconsin asking about legalization for either recreational or medicinal use.
All of the measures were advisory in nature. Nearly all passed overwhelmingly.
In Dane County, a legalization measure for recreational use was approved by a 3-to-1 margin.
It was 70 percent in favor in Milwaukee County.
All of the referendum questions on Tuesday’s ballot were advisory only.

Keith L
November 9, 2018 at 12:20 am
With the support for it, Now having a new Governor who has plans on making Wisconsin a better state, I think the legalization of Marijuana would save the counties money and also bring in a lot of money to put towards doing good in the state (like Roads, Bridges, Education, Medicaid, and other things that Governor Evers has mentioned. I really hope (and no i do not smoke it personally) that he will pass the legalization for the state!