As I See It
Time to restore civility to politics

Well, its finally over. The people have spoken. Was it a red wave? A blue wave? I don’t know. Because today’s editorial was written and recorded before the polls closed yesterday. So as of this moment, I don’t know who won or lost, whether we have a shakeup in Washington and Madison, or whether we are getting more of the same. But one thing I do know is that we can do better. Somehow, in recent years, politics has driven a wedge between people. Good, decent people on both sides who have been told the other side is wrong. And even dangerous. We have seen name calling, and blame. A win at all costs mentality. Using the politics of fear to convince people only their way is right. But that is wrong. We can do better. We need to remember that while we will continue to have political differences, that doesn’t make those who disagree with us bad people. That there is much more in this diverse country that unites us than divides us. And we need those we elect to public office to maintain that higher standard, and restore some shred of dignity to public office. It hasn’t always been this way. And it doesn’t always have to be this way. Let’s hope no matter the outcome of yesterday’s elections, we can take a higher path, and at least restore some civility to politics in America.