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New $82 million science center dedicated at UW-La Crosse



It’s had students roaming the halls and classrooms for a couple of months now but the new Prairie Springs Science Center at UW-La Crosse was dedicated Thursday afternoon.

The project was desperately needed says Chancellor Joe Gow, given the interest of the major.

“Everyone knows how important this building is to us,” Gow said. “We really are the science campus. Over half of our majors right now are in the science area, and I think that’s only going to continue to grow.”

Dean of Health and Science Mark Sandheinrich said excitement of the project is high for both students and staff, especially those who had to spend time in Cowley Hall.

“It gives a lot more space,” he said. “Also, the previous building was opened in a different era when teaching science was so different. It was, ‘I talk and you’ll listen’. This is more of an active learning environment.”

Gow added that he hopes to get approval on phase two of the project which renovates Cowley Hall. The board of regents approved it just recently.

The center which features new electron microscope and nuclear imaging equipment, cost 82 million dollars and was funded by the state.

Born in Decorah Iowa. I've been a news reporter for the last 10 years, starting right out of college in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Other professional opportunities led me to Marshalltown, Iowa and Antigo Wisconsin, before I finally was afforded the opportunity here in La Crosse. I've been here since 2016. I also act as the voice of local sports, doing play by play of high school and college football and basketball. When not working I enjoy golfing.