As I See It
When it comes to the cold, we’re all in it together
It is about as bad as it gets. Possible record-setting cold has settled into the La Crosse area, and much of the Midwest. It is enough to make you want to stay under the covers. But in times like this, when we are all in it together, and frankly worried about our very survival, it is heart-warming to see the kind deeds of others. After the snow ended Monday, I, like most, found myself digging out. When I dug out my car from its spot on the street after it was plowed in, I was able to move it, but not before getting stuck trying to turn around. I dug some more, but was still stuck. Until someone I don’t know stopped and gave me a push. I was free within a minute. I didn’t catch the man’s name, but his gesture certainly was appreciated. Later in the day, when helping my son dig his car out, after about 15 minutes of shoveling, a kind gentlemen came though with his truck outfitted with a plow blade and made quick work of the situation. When I attempted to pay him for his efforts he refused, suggesting I spend the money at a bar instead. There were similar stories shared among co-workers, so I know I was not alone in benefiting from the kindness of strangers. Those two small gestures are what I remember most about that day, not how sore and tired I was after all that digging. So here we are in the polar vortex. A good chance to do a good deed for your fellow neighbors. Check on your elderly neighbors. Give a hand to those who slip and fall. It feels good, and it will be appreciated. Because in weather like this, we’re all in it together.