As I See It

Wisconsin to restore pardons



Pardon me. That is what more than 1000 people are asking for in Wisconsin. That is how many people have contacted Wisconsin’s new Governor now that he has promised to begin issuing pardons to those convicted of some crimes. Governor Evers has received emails, letters and phone calls from more than 1000 people asking for him to consider a pardon for themselves or a loved one. It is no surprise there is such a demand for a legal break, given that former Governor Scott Walker did not issue a single pardon during he eight years as the state’s chief executive. Walker even went so far as to disband the state pardons board. Now Evers is working to appoint new people to the board so they can begin considering whether some people convicted of crimes should receive an official pardon. That is not to say that all of these people who want a pardon deserve one. But chances are there was at least one person during Walker’s two terms who received an overly-harsh sentence, or who committed a crime years ago but is since reformed. A pardon doesn’t erase a conviction from one’s record. But it does restore the right to be on a jury, to own a gun, to vote or to hold public office. It is good that our new Governor will again begin issuing pardons. It is a small tool, but for a handful of people it would be enough to let them get on with their lives.

1 Comment

  1. Stephen J Scott

    March 26, 2019 at 10:17 am

    There is a God after all ……

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