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As I See It

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker hires attorneys at our expense to argue he is above the law



Our elected officials are supposed to be good stewards of our tax dollars. But when it comes to strengthening their hold on power, some of our lawmakers are willing to write a blank check. Wisconsin lawmakers paid pricey lawyers to work behind closed doors to redraw legislative boundaries. They didn’t let the public in on the process when they drew the boundaries to benefit their political party. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos even went so far as to require those in the process to not speak of it publicly. Of course a lawsuit ensued, which remains unsettled. The cost of the legal fight has already topped $3.5 million, a bill which Wisconsin taxpayers are footing. Vos initially refused to release details of the nearly $1 million contract to hire lawyers to defend the gerrymandered boundaries before finally relenting. But clearly he would rather keep this swept under the rug. Now Vos has hired lawyers, again at our expense, to argue that he should not have to appear in court to answer about his actions. So he paid lawyers to draw boundaries to benefit his party, then hired lawyers to defend the move, and now is using the attorneys hired at taxpayer expense to argue he should be above the law. It doesn’t sound like he is being a very good steward of our tax dollars, and doesn’t want to be bothered to have to answer for it.

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