
Wisconsin GOP leaders: No gas tax increase to pay for roads



AP FILE -- Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, left, and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald at a meeting Feb. 7, 2018, in Madison, Wis. (AP Photo/Scott Bauer).

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Legislature’s top Republicans say they’ll scrap Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ budget proposal to raise the gas tax to help pay for roads but may consider raising registration fees.

Evers’ budget would raise the gas tax by 8 cents per gallon initially and then by about a penny annually to account for inflation. It also calls for raising heavy truck registration and new car title fees. The $75 registration fee most car owners pay wouldn’t change under the governor’s plan.

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Friday that Republicans on the Legislature’s finance committee plan to revise Evers’ transportation proposals June 6. He says the GOP has ruled out raising the gas tax but may increase registration fees, title fees and heavy truck fees but didn’t say how much.

Tolling also could be an option but it would take time to implement and wouldn’t generate revenue right away, Fitzgerald said. He doesn’t think some Republican proposals to shift more revenue from income and sales taxes toward transportation will survive, he added.

“I don’t think it’s necessary,” he told the newspaper.

Fitzgerald’s spokesman, Dan Romportl, declined further comment in an email to The Associated Press.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos issued a statement Friday saying he believes a gas tax increase would be “tough to get done.”

Fitzgerald said the finance committee could finish revisions on the budget in June. The spending plan would then have to pass both houses of the Legislature before it could go to Evers’ desk. The governor can then use his partial veto powers to rewrite the document.

Fitzgerald said he hoped to reach compromises with Evers on how he’ll use those powers. Republicans have a strained relationship with Evers and things got worse this month after Evers suggested Republicans are sexist because they won’t negotiate with his chief of staff, Maggie Gau, because she’s a woman.

The majority leader said Friday claims that Republicans are sexist are ridiculous. He said GOP leaders simply haven’t been able to strike an effective line of communication.

1 Comment

  1. Lois

    June 7, 2019 at 8:43 am

    Get the road fixed… the GOP plan with increased registrations – Does that mean we will continue every year to pay more to keep up with road? That won’t work, to give big trucks a free pass on fixing our roads is wrong to the citizens of Wisconsin. If the GOP truly wants to compromise, they will add the increase to the registration, add four cents to the gas tax (instead of eight cents) and tax the big truck industry as well. Then there will be money to build up for 2020 road construction. Lets see if the GOP truly wants to compromise.

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