Western Technical explores international exchange opportunities

Western Technical College is looking to go global.
Representatives from Harbin University in China toured the school last week.
Associate dean of Integrated Studies at Western Tech Mike Poellinger said they are looking to develop an exchange program.
The goal is to have Harbin students complete their bachelor’s degree in three years and come to Wisconsin to enroll in a technical program, Poellinger said.
After gaining technical skills, they would return to China to complete their Master’s degree. In return, Western Tech would like to have its students enjoy an international exchange.
“We live in a global economy,” Poellinger said. “Many of our current district and local employers have relationships with companies in Asia and especially China. Having our students have that opportunity to explore the world brings a much better connection into Wisconsin.”
Poellinger added that it could help with the college’s recruitment. There is no set timeline when the exchange would begin.
WTC is also working with Germany to develop an exploration program.
Two faculty members from Germany will travel to Wisconsin this October to determine what the schedule would look like. They expect up to 20 German students to arrive next spring.