As I See It
Talking, and listening, leads to some progress in clash between police and judges
No breakthrough, but perhaps some progress, in a meeting between La Crosse police and county judges. The two sides have been at odds over what police consider light sentences or premature release of criminals. Assistant Chief Rob Abraham has gone public with his complaints that La Crosse judges aren’t hard enough on lawbreakers. The two sides sat down at a meeting of the Criminal Justice Management Council this week to discuss the issues of public criticism of judges. Both sides were civil to one another, with Abraham even issuing an apology, saying he wasn’t attacking the judges personally. Judge Romona Gonzalez cautioned the police against making critical comments, or potshots as she called them, saying it can undermine people’s faith in our system of criminal justice. The state’s top law enforcer, Attorney General Josh Kaul even weighed in, calling for more clear state guidelines for determining when and how to issue bond to those facing criminal charges. It is good that this contentious issue is being discussed publicly, and civilly. The courts and police may come at this differently, but we all want the same thing. A safe community in which to live. Perhaps further discussion will inch the two sides closer to working together to achieve that goal.
jr smoltz
October 14, 2020 at 6:09 am