Bond set for downtown shooter, and he’s released shortly after

A cash bond has been set, and posted, for a La Crosse man accused of firing a shot into the air on 3rd Street this week.
Robert Powell IV has been charged with felony firearm possession and disorderly conduct after allegedly shooting a gun in the air early Sunday, to stop a fight outside a bar.
Powell’s bond was set at $2500 cash on Wednesday, and the bond was paid within a few hours.
Surveillance videos of the incident show Powell standing on the fringe of a couple of fights in the street before pulling out the gun and firing, which led people to run from the scene.
Powell tells police that somebody aimed a gun at him before he fired the shot.
He was arrested Tuesday at his house on French Island.

Bruce Parr
August 1, 2019 at 8:50 pm
Ridicules! Come on….this is foolish! When are these JUDGES GOING TO WAKE UP!