Losey Boulevard traffic backups expected Thursday

The City of La Crosse Street Department announced the northbound lanes of Losey Boulevard at Mormon Coulee Road will be temporarily closed starting Thursday.
Southbound lanes will remain open. The public sidewalk along the east side of the street will also be closed.
The temporary closure is for private utility work for a housing development project.
The Street Department said a detour will be posted using Mormon Coulee Road and Ward Avenue (eastbound), returning northbound traffic to Losey Boulevard.
Depending on weather conditions, the temporary closure is expected to last through the weekend, with northbound lanes on Losey reopening by Monday, August 26, 2019.
Additionally, westbound traffic on La Crosse St. from Losey Boulevard will be reduced to one lane for about 200 feet. According to a news release, those lanes are expected to be reopened by Friday.