Habitat for Humanity throws Hoedown for Homes
Free food, live music and square dancing. It’s all going down at the Hoedown for Homes.
All that’s needed is you.
If Habitat for Humanity’s Hoedown for Homes can get 100 people in attendance, it’ll mean a big donation.
Thrivent Financial, partnered with Habitat for Humanity, will donate $5,000 if the hoedown gets those 100 people.
The event, meant to help increase awareness for Habitat’s Faith Build Program, is free. It will go from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Hortsmann Homestead in West Salem, Wis. (map).
“Habitat for Humanity builds anywhere from four to six homes at this point in our area, so we are starting to target specific audiences to build specific homes,” Community Outreach Coordinator Pam Hartwell said.
Those interested are asked to RSVP to get an appropriate count for food.