Tony Evers might be first first governor to hit up La Crosse’s Oktoberfest since the ’60s

He hasn’t dug through all his records yet, but, when it comes to Brad Williams’ memory, it’s good enough for one man.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers made a stop in La Crosse on Thursday to kick off Oktoberfest at Craft Brewery Night.
According to WIZM’s Williams, it might be the first time a Wisconsin governor has attended Oktoberfest in La Crosse since the 1960s.
La Crosse Talk PM host Rick Solem told Evers the so-called “fact.”
“I’ve known Brad for a long time,” Evers said. “His memory is extraordinary. If he says it’s so, it’s so.”
Williams is one of just a handful of people on earth to have “hyperthymesia,” a condition of having an extremely detailed autobiographical memory. Give Williams a date, he’ll tell you something that happened.
Williams still contests his own “fact” until he can do some more research.
Feel free to send him a list of every La Crosse Oktoberfest date through the 1960s. We’ll give Williams the weekend sort it out.