As I See It

Gov. Evers says no to UW free speech policy



Thank you Governor Evers. Thank you for standing up for free speech. Wisconsin’s Governor has signaled he will not allow a new rule passed by the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents to take effect. Regents voted Friday to pass a rule calling for the punishment of students who disrupt the speech of others. There were many problems with this policy, as we have outlined. There are only vague descriptions of just what constitutes the disruption of speech. And the policy doesn’t just recommend punishment, it would require it at UW La Crosse and throughout the UW system. Such punishment would include suspension and in some cases expulsion. It seems clear few people like the idea. Of those who showed up at a hearing to comment on the proposal, every one spoke against it. It is not even clear it would be constitutional to punish a student for their words. Wisely, Governor Evers seemingly won’t allow the plan approved by the Regents to take effect. In Wisconsin, no action approved by the Regents can take effect without the approval of the Governor. Which makes us wonder, how long will it be before Republicans in Madison try to take that power away from our Governor too?


  1. Jeffery Pralle

    October 15, 2019 at 12:35 pm

    SRS, Disrupting and being rude to others when they are speaking, expressing their views is not the Governor protecting free speech, it is intolerance of opposing views and have no problem with the rudeness of other in disrupting free speech.

    • Liberal McLiberal

      October 15, 2019 at 6:02 pm

      Scott Robert Shaw is a liberal shill.

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