24-day cold spell falls short of 39-day record in La Crosse

La Crosse has gone almost a month without above-normal temperatures, but that’s not a record cold spell for the city.
Imagine living through 39 days in a row of below-average temperatures during the middle of winter.
That was the case in La Crosse from January 15th to February 22nd, 1936, when temperatures were roughly 20 degrees below average.
Weather Service meteorologist Jeff Boyne says more than 20 cold streaks in the city have lasted longer than the 24-day spell of below-normal temps which began October 22nd.
Madison is currently experiencing its coldest November on record, with an average of 26.7 degrees, compared to 28.5 in La Crosse.
Boyne says milder weather expected next week could bring an end to the cold streak.