Family & Home
Anti-Trump rally goes on in La Crosse, after cancellation of Pence event

A change of travel plans for Republican Vice President Mike Pence did not affect a Democratic party rally held Thursday in downtown La Crosse.
The concern over the coronavirus led Pence to make a trip to Washington state for health care planning, instead of speaking at a Trump campaign event in Onalaska.
Fifteen to 20 people gathered at Cameron Park to protest Trump administration actions which they say have been hurtful to women, the LGBT community, and people with certain medical conditions.
La Crosse County Board chair Tara Johnson jokingly told the rally that Pence “ditched” the La Crosse area, because the planned Onalaska event was cancelled when he was unable to attend.
The Cameron Park demonstration was meant as a protest of Pence’s planned appearance at a “Women for Trump” event in Onalaska’s Stoney Creek Inn.
The vice president’s wife, Karen Pence, was still scheduled to attend a Trump campaign event in St. Paul this evening.

Jim Green
January 13, 2021 at 9:12 am
You guys are showing a 10 month old, anti-Trump story now? Why? You are part of the media, and part of Americas problem! I called the radio station this morning about a letter found on Nancy Pelosis laptop, to the mayor of Portland OR, during the riots there this summer, telling him to deny EVERYTHING, AND THE PRESS WILL COVER FOR HIM. Our press has become just like the press, Pravda, during the Soviet Union days, where they used lies, disinformation, depressing the Truth, in order to gain, and keep power for that COMMUNIST REGIME, and that is where we are headed in this country. Mike, I heard your interview with your guest regarding “climate change”, and i need to remind everyone, that after the “fall” of the Soviet Union, the former leader, Gorbechav, came to America and set up an “enviromental” organization called “Green Cross”. The Communists decided that one of the ways to weaken,and defeat America, was to attack our economy with with burdensome regulations, and energy mandates that are unsustainable, and expensive. Remember Solyndra during the Obama years? California had “rolling blackouts” this past year, because of their reliance on solar, and wind that wasn’t able to keep up with demand. Under President Trump, America became energy dependent, due to Fracking practices, plus opening up previously closed areas to oil, and gas mining. Now the Communist Chinese, used Covid to destroy businesses, and our economy with massive lockdowns. As far as masks,and Covid vaccines go, the “left” will attempt to make them “mandatory’, which will be against many peoples wishes. Whatever happened to “my body, my choice”? The hypocrisy is sickening! I’ve never had a vaccine,(except for a tetanus shot), and I’m a 61 year old healthy male, who is NOT about to get one now! These elections were STOLEN, but there again, according to the “left”, it didnt happen, if they can use the media to cover for them. We are in very dangerous times, because of the rise of Socialism/Communism in this country, and having a compromised Joe Biden, and many politicians, big business owners, and the media bought, and paid for by the Communist Chinese, its just a matter of time before we’re done for. A SAD SAD time for our nation, and our only HOPE, is America turning back to JESUS CHRIST, in repentence, contrition, and obedience to His Word. That is the ONLY way America can remain a FREE NATION, because our rights do NOT come from govt., but GOD. In the Gospel of John Chapt.8:36, it says “whom the Son (Jesus Christ) sets free, is FREE indeed”! HE is our only HOPE!