VIDEO: Mayor Kabat addresses La Crosse issues, including March 31 property tax payment deadline

March 31 is the next deadline for property taxes for La Crosse residents. As of right now, that’s not going to change.
“I have received questions from residents about delaying the March 31 installment of property taxes,” Mayor Tim Kabat said Friday. “Unfortunaltely, state law does not allow the city to change or alter our installment payment schedule at this time.
Kabat, did go on to say he would be looking for any type of relief.
“I have asked the state to look at some relief so for the future, we could potentially look at that,” he said. “But, as of right now, that March 31 deadline, we are not able to change that.”
Kabat also mentioned the MTU would not be charging to ride bus, but the schedule would go to hourly, instead of every half hour.
The comments come from a video of Kabat posted to the City of La Crosse Facebook page, which can be seen below.