As I See It

Falling grades for La Crosse social distancing efforts



We need to do better. Many of us have been diligent about the new social distancing rules. But not everybody. Local police have been kept busy responding to reports of large groups of people gathering, often in city parks. Many seem to be bored teenagers, eager to spend time with their friends, perhaps shooting hoops or playing frisbee. It is understandable as we are eager for some socialization. But these are not normal times. It takes up valuable police resources when they have to respond to these reports, and it puts our officers at risk when they encounter large groups of people. It seems our interest in following social distancing protocols is waning. An analysis of cell phone data in La Crosse County showed that early on in the safer at home order, people were traveling less. La Crosse County earned an “A” for social distancing practices. That grade has now fallen to a “D.” We’ve also learned that more than half of the local cases of coronavirus occurred among people who had visited a large chain store within the previous 48 hours. Clearly, the higher the concentration of people, the greater the risk of infection. We’re told we can continue to shop, but to do so less often, and to do so alone. And we shouldn’t think now is the time for a pickup basketball game. As hard as it is, we need to improve our efforts. We need to see our grade get back up to an “A” or we risk extending how long this nightmare lasts.

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