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As I See It

Some progress in fight against coronavirus



It is likely too early to tell. But it appears we may be making some progress in the fight against the coronavirus. And that is largely because the majority of people are heeding the orders to reduce social contacts and to largely stay indoors. The latest update from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services shows the spread of the virus is slowing. From Easter Sunday to Monday, there were 87 positive cases statewide. That is the smallest one-day increase since Governor Evers issued is safer-at-home order. There has been a decrease in the exponential growth of the virus. Once doubling in case numbers every 3.4 days, that number has now been reduced to a doubling every 12 days. People are largely taking proper precautions, and those efforts are paying off. People are practicing physical distancing, washing their hands more, and covering their coughs. People have changed the way they work, play and interact. Who knew virtual happy hours could be so much fun? We are all eager to gather with friends again, to get outside, especially as the weather warms. But we are safer at home, and until we get through this, we’ll have to take comfort in knowing that our behavior changes are making a real difference.

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