As I See It
No right answer for when to return to normal

When is it time to get back to business as usual? That is the pressing question, as our governments seek to balance the need to protect their citizens with the need to restart the economy. There is no perfect answer. There may not even be a right answer. We don’t know what the future will bring. But when to reopen bars and restaurants, when to send kids back to school, when to send their parents back to work is a question governments at all levels are wrestling with. President Trump has now issued a series of guidelines to governors, offering recommendations of, if they plan to scale back on social distancing guidelines, how best to do that. Trump’s guidance came the same day Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers extended the state’s safer-at-home order for another month, through May 26. That is not what many want to hear, as everyone is more than eager to return to a normal life. We want to visit our children in person, not just virtually. But it is important the restrictions be followed. We certainly don’t want to see the parade of protesters descending on the state capitol like we saw in Michigan happen in Madison. The decision on when to put Wisconsin open for business again is a delicate balance between saving the economy, and improving public health. But if those are the two options, it seems working to protect people is more important than protecting money.

Greg Bergh
April 17, 2020 at 11:06 am
Obviously, we must continue our vigilance and exercise care in our interpersonal interactions regarding the coronavirus issue. However, we must also be aware of the movement by the Left to continue injuring the economy – their push to foment the mindless move toward more Socialism (as currently defined by the far-left) requires a weakened, distressed economy. This is because a Socialist movement has no chance of success in a strong economy. Watch the use of the adage, “don’t let a good crisis go to waste.”