Gas prices for holiday lowest in almost 20 years
The price of gas at some La Crosse stations has gone up about 70 per cent in the last month.
That’s the bad news. The good news is, gas is still under $2 a gallon.
A few stations raised their pump price for regular to $1.79 on Monday, just ahead of Memorial Day.
That’s almost exactly a dollar lower than last year at this time.
Over the weekend, the local average was $1.67, and a month ago, it was $1.04.
The statewide average, according to the Wisconsin AAA, is $1.76.
The national average price is $1.87, which is the lowest Memorial Day average in almost 20 years.
The AAA also predicts car travel for the holiday will be at its lowest in recent memory, and isn’t even venturing a guess as to how many Americans will drive next weekend, with shutdown orders still in effect around much of the country.