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As I See It

Give UW System flexibility it needs



What will college look like come fall? No one, not even those in charge of making those decisions, know the answer yet. Most universities finished the school year virtually, and it still hasn’t been decided how things will look in the fall. Some universities, like the University of California system, are planning online courses only. Others, like the University of Wisconsin System, haven’t yet decided whether students will be back on campus in August. The ongoing uncertainties of the pandemic are why state government needs to provide flexibility to the UW System. The President of the UW System sent a letter to the Governor and legislative leaders asking for flexibility and regulatory relief. They are asking for flexibility in when the semester can begin. Under current law, Wisconsin campuses can’t open until after September first. Some schools may want to start earlier, and perhaps finish by Thanksgiving, to avoid a possible second wave of the virus in fall. The UW System also wants the ability to borrow money, but doesn’t currently have bonding authority. Under the plan, any debt would be held by the UW System, not the state. Our public schools are facing much uncertainty, along with financial and operational challenges. Our lawmakers should work with the UW System to help them get through this difficult time.

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